गुरुवार, 13 अगस्त 2015

Agyaa chakra

You often see the Agyaa chakra  will cycle in pictures. The Lotus is a symbol of the Agyaa chakra   two petals . According to the Scriptures it is a light brown, yellow and grey . Some experience it is like the Moon or silver grey but literally this color does not appear. One thing would make the remembrance by creating relationships of colors you do not enter into consideration but also perceptions the you that is the sensation above all else.
The petals on the right and left petals is imprinted on HAM( हं )  and KSHAM ( क्षं )  Answers are in bright and white KSHAM and Shiva are the seed mantra of power . A second Sun or moon or ida nadi and tamor pingla nadi is a symbol of this cycle are described below come three interconnected nadi .
Lotus is a full circle within which is a symbol of zero (SHUNYA) Circle inside a triangle which represents the power of creativity and disclosure .  a black shivlingam is at the top of  triangle . This is not all sex format think gender . It is a symbol of your subtle bodies. According to the Scriptures and secret  subtle body is a symbol of your personality .

 Lingham of mooladhaar ( rootchakra) is looking like smog an unclear  . It is also called dhrum langham and comparison with that level of consciousness to the level we are having genuine life , At this time we do not have and which are knowledge .We called ITARAKHYA LINGAM which is  located in Agyaa chakra .  What we are  in it agya chakra  is format perception . Sahastrar is light full in consciousness therefore continues to light  Agya chakra  lingham |

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