शुक्रवार, 7 अगस्त 2015

What is Meditation ?

Some time people ask me what is meditation. Meditation is calm mind stage. When you meditate your mind is so calm. Our mind is very fickle. It is difficult to soothe. Meditation is technique to calm mind, remember it is not a technique to meet with God. Yes but it is so helpful for feeling of God. When our mind is so calm, our journey is start a step towards divine.
Next thing Meditation is a Art to coming inside own self. Any time we connect with outside of world through the five senses. Our five senses work every time. We watch. We hear .We smell. We test anything. We touch.  Our mind is generated during these five actions. Then the question is what we leave these five actions? NO! NO! NO!  The real thing is to do We don’t evolve in these action. We should not lost in fantasies of past and future.
Meditation keep us in present And Joy is in present.
Any question comment fast!
Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Next time how to come inside through meditation. And new meditation technique  …………..

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